Thursday 5 November 2009

Ukraine Flu - Let's be clear! A virus is not a bacterium and cannot mutate into one!

I have been reviewing updates on the situation in the Ukraine several times a day because it's of vital interest to all of us to know what is going on: what the illness is and how it is spreading. The number of people infected with whatever it is, and the number dying is rising practically by the hour and the latest report I have read stated that the official figure for deaths is now 96.

However, this evening I have read on several news sites that the H1N1 virus is thought to be mutating into pneumonic plague.

This one is typical:

FTO South Africa

"Thursday, November 5, 2009 - 21:35"

"In the Ukraine there has been a pneumonic plague that some say mutated from the h1n1 swine flu virus. 2 people have died while more than 10thousands is under quarantine. A area of 17 miles around the area effected is under quarintine as well."


"The Pneumonic plague is one of the most powerful and deadly diseases on earth that usually kills the person affected within 24 hours, most people that get the Pneumonic plague dies. The virus attacks the lungs and
unless treated by antibiotics it will kill."

Yes, it gets treated with antibiotics. That's because it's bacterial, not viral. Antibiotics treat bacterial infections not viral infections and a virus CANNOT mutate into a bacterium!

"Pneumonic plague is one of three main forms of plague, all of which are caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. It is more virulent and rarer than bubonic plague. The difference between the versions of plague is simply the location of the infection. Pneumonic plague is an infection in the lung(s), bubonic plague is an infection of the buboes or lymph nodes, while septicemic plague is an infection in the blood stream."

Earlier on this evening, I even read an article on Info Wars, which had an editor's note saying it was thought that H1N1 had mutated into pneumonic plague. I added a comment that this couldn't happen. My comment was deleted, but the editor's note seems to have disappeared now. I should think so too!!

What's the difference between a bacterial and a viral infection?

Mayo Clinic

James M. Steckelberg, M.D.

"Simply put, bacterial infections are caused by bacteria and viral infections are caused by viruses. Infections caused by bacteria include strep throat, tuberculosis and urinary tract infections. Diseases that result from viruses include chickenpox, AIDS and the common cold.

Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that thrive in many different types of environments. Some varieties live in extremes of cold or heat, while others make their home in people's intestines, where they help digest food. Most bacteria cause no harm to people.

Viruses are even smaller than bacteria and require living hosts — such as people, plants or animals — to multiply. Otherwise, they can't survive. When a virus enters your body, it invades some of your cells and takes over the cell machinery, redirecting it to produce the virus.

Perhaps the most important distinction between bacteria and viruses is that antibiotic drugs usually kill bacteria, but they aren't effective against viruses. In some cases, it may be difficult to determine whether bacteria or a virus is causing your symptoms. Many ailments — such as pneumonia, meningitis and diarrhea — can be caused by either type of microbe."

Pneumonia can be caused by either bacteria or viruses, but pneumonic plague is bacterial and so H1N1 virus cannot, I repeat, cannot, mutate into pneumonic plague!

At least Info Wars had the sense to remove the editor's note that suggested that it did!!

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