Sunday, 15 November 2009
Doctor Roby Mitchell Retracts Vaccine Advice To Nurses.
Extract from bio:
"Dr. Mitchell now consults world wide with other physicians interested in transitioning their patients on to regimens that take them off drugs and on to healthful regimens using nutrition, exercise, bio-identical hormone replacement, and targeted supplements. He also continues to serve patients with nutritional/lifestyle counseling and education on bio-identical hormone replacement."......................................
Dr Mitchell had given advice to nurses that they should take the H1N1 flu vaccine, but retracted this advice once he had read the insert leaflet. In this video, he explains why he made this decision, after looking at what the vaccine contains and the disclaimers which form part of the information leaflet for patients. A very informative video.
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Ukraine Flu - President Yushchenko's Address To The Ukrainian People
Read the address here on the president's official web site.
It is a rather long address, but because of its importance and the political implications for the Ukraine and its people, I shall reproduce it in its entirety. I have added emphasis to those sections which I think deserve to be highlighted.
Dear fellow citizens!
I address you in performance of my constitutional duty under the Article 106 of the Basic Law of the state.
The reason is the emergency epidemic situation in the country.
Infections of viral origin, including the A/H1N1 flu, are rapidly spreading across Ukraine.
The emergency is evident in the scale of the epidemic: the speed and the geography of its spreading, rapid progress of the illness and the exceptional number of deaths.
People are dying. The epidemic is killing doctors. This is absolutely unprecedented and inconceivable in the XXI century.
All the limits have been exceeded - even those under the Constitution that determine my actions as the President.
Therefore I am motivated by the most important: the security of your life and your health.
Therefore I give clear and frank assessment of the situation. And you should know that.
We have special risk factors that aggravate the epidemic in Ukraine.
The conclusions of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, my numerous consultations with national and international experts show that.
First. Unlike similar epidemics in other countries, three pathogens of viral infections came to Ukraine at the same time: two of them are seasonal flu and the third is the A/H1N1.
According to virologists, such a combination of infections due to mutation may produce a new, even more aggressive virus.
That's why I have addressed the United Nations with the request to conduct a virologic examination in Ukraine and to establish the appropriate laboratory in order to take timely preventive measures.
Second. The A/H1N1 virus is easily mutating. It has travelled across half of the globe before coming to Ukraine.
This means that the virus has become particularly pathogenic.
This means that medical aid must be urgently reinforced by emergency, critical care treatment.
The third risk factor. It is generally known that the only way to prevent any infection is vaccination. (1)
Due to unprofessional and highly disorganized vaccination against measles and rubella in Ukraine the practice of vaccination is compromised in essence.
According to the estimates of the Minister of Health approximately 58% of citizens are vaccinated today in Ukraine with the effective level being 90% and higher.
People have stopped getting vaccinated against extremely dangerous infections: tuberculosis, diphtheria, etc.
This led to high risk of A/H1N1 infection spread, when the virus came to Ukraine and made impossible preventive vaccination against both strains of seasonal flu.
All this made general epidemic situation in Ukraine even more complicated.
As the President I ask you, dear fellow citizens, to reconsider your attitude to vaccination and do it if necessary, but only, I emphasize it - only after consultation with the doctor.
At the same time I instruct the Government and the Ministry of Health to immediately start preventive and promotional work in areas where there is no epidemic, targeting primarily the special risk groups. (2)
I demand the Government to immediately cancel the existing order of registration of medical supplies, including vaccines.
Studying this issue by the National Security and Defense Council shown that this procedure has allowed various dealers to bring to Ukraine dubious medicines, which are not recognized by the WHO or other national institutions.
Under my direction the Security Service is investigating the issue.
The fourth factor. In reality it is the Reactor 4.
I mean the epidemic, rapid spread of viral infections in the west of the country. The Government, the leadership of the Parliament and the opposition were all aware of that already in early October.
The first and the most effective preventive measure is avoiding large gatherings of people.
Ignoring this principle, hundreds of thousands of people from different regions were brought to Kyiv; from both the areas struck by the epidemic, and those where there was no evidence of this epidemic.
This greatly increased the risk of infection.
I emphasize: it was a well-known thing. And it was ignored by the Chairman of the Parliament, by the opposition leader and, first of all, by the Prime Minister. And Chief Sanitary Inspector, together with his subordinates in the regions, including those in the city of Kiev ignored their professional duty. (3)
This directly reminds of the May Day demonstration in Kiev, held shortly after the accident at Chernobyl NPP.
This is a display of criminal irresponsibility of politicians and complete indifference towards the people.
Let me cite one example. On October 20 the epidemic of flu was declared in Ternopil with schools and kindergartens closed for quarantine. "From October 21 secondary and primary schools are closed due to the growing rate of flu and ARD sickness”. This was the order of local authorities.
As of October 20 the rate of ARD in Ternopil was 172.9 cases per 10 thousand people with epidemiological threshold for the city being 160 patients per 10 thousand people. In other words - all services of the country responsible for monitoring the figure were informed and knew about the situation.
However, not a single Sanitary Inspector has banned either the movement of people, nor their gathering, including those in Kiev on October 24, when people have gathered at the central square. (3)
I would like to remind you, my dear, that on October 24, 2009 10 deaths were known to have occurred in Ternopil region itself and 6 deaths were reported in Lviv region. And in 7 days after the above mentioned gathering Kyiv turned out in the situation, when the rate of sickness demanded the announcement of flu epidemic. This is the behavior of the great politicians. The neglect of elementary means of prevention of a disease in any country in the world, by any society. Because they must conduct a show, they have concerts, because they were paid for and 130 million have already been spent.
In that, dear Ukrainians, I see not only moral but also criminal liability.
I have addressed the Prosecutor General of Ukraine with the request to institute criminal charges of negligence committed by first of all the Chief Sanitary Inspector, Kyiv City Sanitarian and the officials, who, despite having daily information on the epidemic situation in the country, neglected it in pursuit of political dividends and ambition. (4)
Now, the only principle of organizing preventive measures at the national scale should be as follows:
We treat the West and defend East, Center, North and South of Ukraine amain.
I now rely solely on the professionalism of our doctors. Today they are the true heroes of our nation.
I once again demand the Government to comply with the order the National Security and Defense Council to resolve the issue of wages for our doctors in this difficult period for the country.
The fifth factor.
Dear fellow citizens, the key threat that is aggravating the situation is chaos in the system of healthcare and protection of lives of people.
Today we must recognize that Ukraine does not have a single healthcare system. Prevention of any infection, including through vaccination, the localization and overcoming the consequences of epidemics is the responsibility of the State Sanitary-Epidemiological Service of Ukraine.
The Service is headed by the Chief Sanitary Inspector. He is appointed by the Prime Minister. (5)
The current Constitution after alterations in 2004 makes the Government solely responsible for conducting state healthcare policy.
The practice of using the power, as evident today, is a failure.
To the executive power, which is not subordinate to the President, I have suggested the holistic healthcare reforms plan and a set of instructions and recommendations that would help create the optimal model of the system for years to come. My remarks were presented as the groundless interference in Government’s work and as the unfounded criticism.
Back in April of 2009 I addressed the Government with the request to establish a special interdepartmental commission on fighting the spread of flu viruses, to finance the establishment of Flu Center and to take all measures to protect the country against flu. That included providing adequate availability of medicines, facemasks and all other necessaries.
Partial implementation of the instructions has its consequences.
They were not ignoring me – they were ignoring the people, the citizens. It is clear why. Because Ukraine still has unfair system of healthcare - one is for the power, the other is for the people.
We must change the system. We must change the entire system of government in Ukraine. (6)
But now, in this moment there is no time for waiting or remonstrance.
National Security and Defense Council should become the center of decision-making.
Failure to comply with its orders will immediately result in application to the law enforcement authorities. (6)
I remind all the responsible persons and draw attention to all of my orders, made in Lviv four days ago. In three days the deadline for compliance with these orders expires.
With my decree I put Minister of Health and Chief Sanitary Inspector of Ukraine into the Council for National Security and Defense.
I am conscious of my responsibility.
I express deep condolences to the families and relatives of those who have died.
I express my deep appreciation to doctors, who are saving our people risking their own lives. I am moved by this sacrifice. Such a commitment means that the epidemic will be stopped.
I appeal to all of you, dear fellow citizens, to show solidarity, mutual support, and strictly adhere to all the safety regulations regarding protection of your health and lives.
For not a single moment you will be left alone by the state. (7)
Thank you for your attention.
1) The president is stating that the potential of the present epidemic to have such a widespread affect, is down to the uptake of vaccination in the general population being so low. When he refers to the actual rate against the effective rate, he is referring to 90% and above being the threshold for "herd immunity," the theory being that if a significant percentage of the population is vaccinated, there is less potential for any pathogen to gain a foothold.
3) His recommendations/instructions about large gatherings of people were ignored and the Prime Minister and certain officials must bear responsibility.
4) Criminal charges will be brought against those who ignored his instructions.
5) The Prime Minister must take a good deal of the blame for this epidemic getting out of control. Will criminal charges be brought against her? Are we about to witness the arrest of president Yushchenko's opponent for the presidential role in the elections, which may be "postponed."?
6) Martial law.
7) The state is about to take control of every area of your lives.
The above does not bode well for any form of democracy in the Ukraine. If anyone is using the declared flu pandemic for political gain, it appears to be president Yushchenko, who could be planning to bring criminal charges, under the pretext of national security, against his political opponent, the present Prime Minister. He also appears to be using this crisis to cancel elections and to change the entire face of politics in the Ukraine. Martial law leading to some form of fascist dictatorship?
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Ukraine Flu - Let's be clear! A virus is not a bacterium and cannot mutate into one!
However, this evening I have read on several news sites that the H1N1 virus is thought to be mutating into pneumonic plague.
This one is typical:
FTO South Africa
"In the Ukraine there has been a pneumonic plague that some say mutated from the h1n1 swine flu virus. 2 people have died while more than 10thousands is under quarantine. A area of 17 miles around the area effected is under quarintine as well."
(...)"The Pneumonic plague is one of the most powerful and deadly diseases on earth that usually kills the person affected within 24 hours, most people that get the Pneumonic plague dies. The virus attacks the lungs and unless treated by antibiotics it will kill."
Yes, it gets treated with antibiotics. That's because it's bacterial, not viral. Antibiotics treat bacterial infections not viral infections and a virus CANNOT mutate into a bacterium!
"Pneumonic plague is one of three main forms of plague, all of which are caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. It is more virulent and rarer than bubonic plague. The difference between the versions of plague is simply the location of the infection. Pneumonic plague is an infection in the lung(s), bubonic plague is an infection of the buboes or lymph nodes, while septicemic plague is an infection in the blood stream."
Earlier on this evening, I even read an article on Info Wars, which had an editor's note saying it was thought that H1N1 had mutated into pneumonic plague. I added a comment that this couldn't happen. My comment was deleted, but the editor's note seems to have disappeared now. I should think so too!!
What's the difference between a bacterial and a viral infection?
Mayo Clinic
James M. Steckelberg, M.D.
"Simply put, bacterial infections are caused by bacteria and viral infections are caused by viruses. Infections caused by bacteria include strep throat, tuberculosis and urinary tract infections. Diseases that result from viruses include chickenpox, AIDS and the common cold.
Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that thrive in many different types of environments. Some varieties live in extremes of cold or heat, while others make their home in people's intestines, where they help digest food. Most bacteria cause no harm to people.
Viruses are even smaller than bacteria and require living hosts — such as people, plants or animals — to multiply. Otherwise, they can't survive. When a virus enters your body, it invades some of your cells and takes over the cell machinery, redirecting it to produce the virus.
Perhaps the most important distinction between bacteria and viruses is that antibiotic drugs usually kill bacteria, but they aren't effective against viruses. In some cases, it may be difficult to determine whether bacteria or a virus is causing your symptoms. Many ailments — such as pneumonia, meningitis and diarrhea — can be caused by either type of microbe."
Pneumonia can be caused by either bacteria or viruses, but pneumonic plague is bacterial and so H1N1 virus cannot, I repeat, cannot, mutate into pneumonic plague!
At least Info Wars had the sense to remove the editor's note that suggested that it did!!
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Ukraine Flu Epidemic: three strains of influenza are spreading, increasing the risk of mutations.
By Daryna Krasnolutska, Halia Pavliva and Kateryna Choursina
Nov. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Nurses and patients at the town hospital in Chernivstsi, Ukraine, came together in an unusual task today: making their own protective masks.
“We bought gauze, people sat down and stitched the masks for the doctors,” said Oleh Kaminskyi, a doctor who works at the hospital. “Now we’re washing and ironing them.”
Ukraine, battling an outbreak of respiratory disease that’s sickened 478,400 people and killed 81, is struggling with a lack of protective equipment, antiviral drugs and laboratory facilities to confirm whether the H1N1 pandemic virus is causing the disease. Many residents are staying at home and turning to natural remedies such as garlic to ward off the virus.
Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko said in an urgent address to the nation today that the country’s flu outbreak is “unique” because three flu strains are spreading at the same time. That increases the risk of mutations of the viruses into a new strain, he said, citing unnamed domestic and foreign experts. The World Health Organization sent a team of scientists and advisers to Ukraine this week to investigate the outbreak.
Read the rest of the article here.
Ukraine Flu Epidemic Updates.
"The Cabinet of Ministers will consider quarantine in another 10 regions of Ukraine. Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko announced this today during a meeting with regional leaders on how to prevent the spread of infection.
The head of government said that it is necessary to take such measures because in a number of regions the flu is approaching the epidemic threshold.
"The regions that are approaching the epidemic threshold and where we need to take precautionary measures to fight off an epidemic are: Vinnytsia, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, Luhansk, Odesa, Poltava, Sumy and Chernihiv," Yulia Tymoshenko said.
She noted that in the Crimea, Zhytomyr, Kirovohrad, Mykolayiv, Kharkiv, Kherson and Cherkasy oblasts and Sevastopol, the situation "is relatively good."
As of today, quarantine has been announced in the: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Zakarpattia, Chernivtsi, Rivne, Volyn, Khmelnytsky and Vinnytsia regions of Ukraine."
Official death toll now 81
"The death toll from flu or other acute respiratory viral infections in Ukraine has reached 81, Ukrainian chief sanitary and epidemiology official Oleksandr Bilovol said during Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko's conference call with the heads of regional administrations in Kyiv on Wednesday.
The number of those officially diagnosed with flu or other acute viral infections in Ukraine reached 450,000 as of November 4, Bilovol said.
At least three people died from the A(H1N1) flu subtype, commonly known as swine flu, while 11 others recovered from it, he said."
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, Ukraine - World Health Organisation Press Release.

"3 November 2009 -- According to the Ministry of Health of the Ukraine, the country has now recorded more than 250,000 cases of influenza-like illness, with 235 patients requiring intensive care. As of 2 November, 70 deaths from acute respiratory illness have been reported."
"Regions in western Ukraine continue to show the highest rates of acute respiratory illness/influenza-like illness. The level of activity in the Kyiv area is also increasing rapidly."
"Laboratory testing in Ukraine has confirmed pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in samples taken from patients in two of the most affected regions. As the pandemic virus has rapidly become the dominant influenza strain worldwide, it can be assumed that most cases of influenza in Ukraine are caused by the H1N1 virus."
"As elsewhere, WHO strongly recommends early treatment with the antiviral drugs, oseltamivir or zanamivir, for patients who meet treatment criteria, even in the absence of a positive laboratory test confirming H1N1 infection."
"At the request of the government, a multi-disciplinary team of nine experts has been deployed by WHO and arrived in Kyiv yesterday evening. Discussions with the Minister of Health were held this morning to brief the team."
"Team members will now begin field investigations to characterize the clinical and epidemiological features of the outbreak. Work will initially begin in Lviv region, where reported numbers of cases showing severe manifestations of acute respiratory illness have been especially high. Two virologists on the team have started working at the National Influenza Centre and the laboratories of the Central Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Kyiv to provide diagnostic support."
"Samples sent by the Ministry of Health were received today by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza, Mill Hill in London, UK. The laboratory will conduct confirmatory tests and further characterize the virus."
"Many questions remain to be answered. The outbreak in Ukraine may be indicative of how the virus can behave in the northern hemisphere during the winter season, particularly in health care settings typically found in Eastern Europe."
(In the southern hemisphere, in Australia and New Zealand, throughout their autumn/winter season, the incidence of H1N1 flu was incredibly low and the incidence of death and serious illness lower than for the regular seaonal flu. Although the WHO is recommending that pregnant women get the vaccine for H1N1 flu, in Australia and New Zealand, more pregnant women died from seasonal flu. Dr Russell Blaylock (video here ) suggests that pregnant women should not take the vaccine because the virus itself will not cross the placental barrier, but the intense immune response from the vaccine could affect her child.)
"Given the potential significance of this outbreak as an early warning signal, WHO commends the government of Ukraine for its transparent reporting and open sharing of samples."
"WHO continues to recommend no closing of borders and no restrictions on international travel, including to Ukraine. Experience shows that such measures will not stop further spread of the virus."
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Ukraine Flu Epidemic: Swine Flu, Conventional Flu, or 1918 Spanish Flu?

The number of people succumbing to the recent outbreak of a virulent form of what is thought to be flu in Ukraine, seems to be rising hourly. On Sunday, November 1st, the Ft reported that:
"....officials said more than 50 died of pneumonia and other suspected H1N1 sicknesses. More than 2,000 people were hospitalised in connection with the “epidemic” that broke out in October in western regions of the country that border the European Union." Financial Times November 1stThis morning, at 10.41GMT, that number had officially risen to 64. Tests are ongoing to ascertain the nature of the infectious agent involved, but the Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was quoted this morning as saying that only a small number of those deaths were attributable to swine flu and that the country has an epidemic of conventional flu. M&C Health News November 2nd
A senior medical officer, Chief State Sanitary Doctor Oleksandr Bilovol, has stated that the present outbreak is due to fewer people receiving vaccination against seasonal flu. ""We have virtually stopped immunization, and the level of the disease is a consequence of the minimization of vaccination among the Ukrainian population," he said." Kyiv Post November 1st
Previous to this sudden outbreak in October, only two cases of swine flu had been confirmed in the Ukraine, earlier in the summer, with the first case being reported as confirmed on June 5th. Reuters
In May this year, Canadian CBC News published an interesting article, "Swine Flu Roots Traced To Spanish Flu," in which the writer compared the 1918 H1N1 strain of flu to the strain responsible for the current world-wide spread.
"Some strains of swine flu, including the one that has emerged recently from Mexico, are known to belong to the same subtype — H1N1 — as the Spanish flu. But the classical swine flu virus (an H1N1 subtype of type A influenza virus) wasn't isolated from a pig until 1930, so the connection between the Spanish flu and swine flu hasn't been clear.
One of the reasons the two strains of the virus were not strongly connected was because they had dramatically different impacts."
"The most recent version of the swine flu also doesn't appear to share the Spanish flu's virulence, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC said Friday the new virus isn't as deadly, because it lacks the genes that made the 1918 pandemic strain so lethal."
Nine Oblasts (regions) in the Ukraine have been quarantined. Recent reports:Since then, the swine flu virus has changed substantially. The strain that has emerged recently is "quite different" from the original strain of H1N1 virus first identified in Spain in May 1918, said Weingartl.*" CBC News May 2009
(*Canadian Food Agency researcher Hana Weingartl.)
Lviv Oblast
Five persons have died from the flue in Lviv, four men and one woman, says emergency hospital chief doctor Myron Borysevych.
Two of the dead patients were in the 22-35 age group, with 2 others over 60. He diagnosed the disease as viral pneumonia.
“We have sent the analyses to Kyiv. We don’t believe it’s the swine flue. Neither do we know what kind of pneumonia it is,
Borysevych stressed. Viral tests can last from one to two weeks. They are complicated and not done in Lviv. The course of the disease was very quick. The symptoms included very high temperature and short-wind cough.The disease started as an ordinary chill with headache and temperature. The symptoms lasted for a week before patient condition began to aggravate." October 29th
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast All the six dead young people had symptoms of severe hemmorhagic pneumonia. The disease starts slowly, with temperature rising to 37.2 – 37.3 degrees, slight cough and pain in joints. Nasal catarrh developed at the end of the second or third day. Autopsy revealed that the lungs were soaked with blood, the oblast chief specialist said.(
Haemorrhagic pneumonia
"Oct 30, 2009 CIDRAP News – Ukranian officials today shuttered schools and banned public meeting for the next 3 weeks in the wake of a spike in pandemic flu and the country's first H1N1 deaths, which have sparked speculation that the disease has become worse in some patients or that another pathogen is circulating.
Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko announced that the spikes in virus activity were affecting three parts of western Ukraine where large number of respiratory illnesses have been reported since the middle of October, Reuters reported today.
One translated report posted on the Flutrackers message board said some of the fatalities were young people who had severe hemorrhagic pneumonia. A regional health chief was quoted in one of the translated stories as saying autopsy revealed lungs soaked with blood."
1918 Spanish flu:
Spanish Flu victims suffered massive pneumonia and fatal pulmonary complications: they literally drowned in their own body fluids. Lungs filled with fluid and their skin became markedly discolored from the lack of oxygen. Mysteriously, it killed more young than old. The death rate was greatest among ages 15 to 40.
The morgues were packed almost to the ceiling with bodies stacked one on top of another. The morticians worked day and night. You could never turn around without seeing a big red truck loaded with caskets for the train station so bodies could be sent home.
We didn’t have the time to treat them. We didn’t take temperatures; we didn’t even have time to take blood pressure.
We would give them a little hot whisky toddy; that’s about all we had time to do. They would have terrific nosebleeds with it. Sometimes the blood would just shoot across the room. You had to get out of the way or someone’s nose would bleed all over you." Spanish flu and the US Navy
At the time of the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, doctors had no way to preserve tissue samples, but from a body exhumed from the Arctic permafrost, scientists, ".....painstakingly extracted the genetic material needed to work out the structure of the H1N1 virus.
"Then, in a maximum "biosafety" facility at Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory they reconstructed a fully functioning virus, and infected macaque monkeys to see what would happen."
"Writing in the journal Nature, they reported that the results were startling. Symptoms appeared within 24 hours of exposure to the virus, and the subsequent destruction of lung tissue was so widespread that, had the monkeys not been killed a few days later, they would literally have drowned in their own blood." BBC News January 2007
So, the symptoms that are being reported from the Ukraine appear to be very similar to those of the 1918 flu pandemic. This may, of course, be simply coincidence, it may point to accidental release from a research lab where the 1918 Spanish flu virus is held, or it may point to a deliberate release of this 1918 strain of the H1N1 virus. Certain bloggers and online alternative news media are suggesting the involvement of Baxter Pharmaceuticals, which has a base in the Ukraine, but without giving an opinion as to how Baxter may have effected the infection. Baxter is well known for its accidental release of viral material containing live H5N1 virus earlier this year, and for its heparin contaminated with HIV.
In August this year, The Huffington Post reported that a man called Joseph Moshe had been arrested outside the White House on suspicion of having made threats on President Obama's life. A later report on the web site The Flu Case stated that Moshe was a microbiologist and that he had not made a threat against the president. Moshe, they said, had called into a live radio show, hosted by Dr A. True Ott, and he wanted to, " evidence to a States Attorney regarding tainted H1N1 Swine flu vaccines being produced by Baxter BioPharma Solutions. He said that Baxter’s Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death."
Professor Moshe's bio can be found on the Flu Case web site.
In August this year, Steve Quayle made this comment: "Intelligence deep background sources have also stated that they expect this to be some engineered Hemorrhagic Type Flu with Ebola-like severe internal bleeding as the likely cause of millions of deaths."
(Steve Quayle is the author of several books, including, "Breathe No Evil," on bio-terrorism.)
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Swine Flu: Looking More Closely At Celvapan Vaccine.

The H1N1, swine flu vaccine, which will be offered to most people in the UK is pandemrix from GlaxoSmithKline. The viral antigen for this vaccine is grown in eggs and for those people who have an allergy to eggs or chicken protein, the alternative is the celvapan vaccine from Baxter International. Baxter has been involved in a few scandals over recent years. In 1996 haemophilia components were contaminated with HIV virus and injected into tens of thousands of people, including thousands of children. Even when the contamination became known, Baxter continued to release the contaminated clotting substance. As of March 2008, Baxter's heparin had been linked to hundreds of serious and sometimes life-threatening reactions, including at least 4 deaths.
In February 2009, Baxter released contaminated flu virus material from a plant in Orth-Donau, Austria.
The contaminated product, a mix of human H3N2 seasonal flu viruses and unlabelled avian H5N1 viruses, was supplied to an Austrian research company. The Austrian firm, Avir Green Hills Biotechnology, then sent portions of it to sub-contractors in the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Germany.
The contamination incident, which is being investigated by four European countries, came to light when the subcontractor in the Czech Republic inoculated ferrets with the material and they died. Ferrets shouldn’t die from exposure to human H3N2 flu viruses.The H5N1 component of the product was found to be live. The accidental release of a mix of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have had dire consequences.
Celvapan H1N1 is the first cell-cultured and non-adjuvanted vaccine to be authorised by the European Commission, to be marketed within the European Union.
So, having a wee shuftie at the patients' information leaflet, produced by Baxter:
"What Celvapan contains
Active substance:
Whole virion influenza vaccine, inactivated, containing antigen of pandemic strain*:
A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) 7.5 micrograms** per 0.5 ml dose
* propagated in Vero cells (continuous cell line of mammalian origin)"
Vero cells are lineages of cells used in cell cultures. The lineage was developed in 1962 by two scientists at a university in Japan. The Vero lineage is continuous, which means it can be replicated through many cycles of division without becoming senescent (liable to the process of aging that normal cells go through). For this reason they are referred to as, "immortalised."
What is coming through that needle?
The problem of pathogenic vaccine contamination.
excerpt— There is another very important issue reported in studies that is evidently being largely ignored as regards long-term vaccine effects and safety. There is obvious evidence that in the lab, continuous immortal cell lines react differently between one type of animal species and another (21, 23). As an example, tissue from one species will allow the immortal cell to induce a cancerous change more quickly, in comparison to tissue from a different species. These results then beg the following questions. How extensively have these continuous cell lines been tested on human tissues, and would the results vary from one type of tissue to another? And what happens over the long term if an immortal cell from a vaccine culture makes its way into the final vaccine product, does it keep dividing in the human body? Another scenario might suggest the tumor-promoting portion of its DNA inserting into a viral genome, which then gets injected into the body what happens at that point?.......
................As one researcher states, Using neoplastic cell lines as substrates for vaccine development could inadvertently result in viral-viral or viral-cellular interactions whose biological consequences are unclear viral-viral and viral-cellular interactions can result in the generation of new retroviruses with pathological consequences (30). We note the term "neoplastic" means the quality of having an abnormal growth characteristic.
There is an even stronger statement dating back to 1990. A scientist in the field writes, "The present concern is for safety of vaccines made using transformed or neoplastic mammalian cells that may contain endogenous contaminating viruses or integrated gene sequences from oncogenic viruses.
Picking out SV40, simian virus 40, for special attention. This virus contaminated both the Inactivated Polio Vaccine, created by Dr Jonas Salk, and the Oral, or "Live," polio vaccine, created by Dr Albert Sabin. Although a Federal law was passed in the USA in 1961, requiring that no vaccine contained this virus, it did not require that seed material be discarded and it has been alleged that oral polio vaccine containing the virus was administered up to the 1990s.
SV40 is a persistent infection in Vero cells.
A letter from the FDA in 2001 to vaccine manufacturers said that use of immortalised cell lines was a cause for concern and that all product should be free of intact Vero cells. Yet, it seems that there are very basic safety questions not resolved by the manufacturers.
Cell replication/division: how SV40 can disrupt this process and cause cancer.
Cells of all multicellular organisms replicate during creation and maturation and for growth and repair of tissues. When cells are injured or damaged in this process, tumour-suppressor genes promote cell cycle arrest to stop these damaged cells proliferating out of control and forming tumours. P53 and retinoblastoma (Rb) are tumour-suppressor genes, which are inactivated by SV40, allowing damaged cells to proliferate.
SV40 is a type of polyoma virus: poly means many; oma means tumour. This designates its ability to form many types of tumour.
The celvapan patient infromation leaflet instructs that you should not receive celvapan if you have had a sudden, life-threatening allergic reaction to any of the ingredients or any substance of which there may be traces in the vaccine. One of those substances is formaldehyde, which is used to split and inactivate the influenza virus. Formaldehyde was also used in the injected form of polio vaccine used between 1955 and 1961, but this vaccine was contaminated with SV40.
SV40 - Polio vaccine contamination
Soon after its discovery, SV40 was identified in the injected form of the polio vaccine produced between 1955 and 1961. This is believed to be due to kidney cells from infected monkeys being used to amplify the vaccine virus during production. Both the Sabin vaccine (oral, live virus) and the Salk vaccine (injectable, killed virus) were affected; the technique used to inactivate the polio virus in the Salk vaccine, by means of formaldehyde, did not reliably kill SV40. (SV40 Foundation)
Finally, testing of the vaccine.
1) Safety: on a small number of healthy adult volunteers (10-12) to test safety of doses and to monitor for side-effects.
2) Safety and immune response: several hundred people in the age groups for whom the vaccine is intended. Often carried out in several different countries.
3) Safety, immune response and efficacy: first step towards its use in public health. Several thousand people tested in relevant age groups. If the vaccine passes all safety and efficacy requirements, the manufacturer can then apply for a licence to produce and distribute the vaccine.
4) Post-licencing evaluation. Ongoing surveillance to monitor for rare side-effects.
Testing of celvapan H1N1 vaccine:
Earlier this year, Baxter conducted tests with a "mock-up," vaccine, using a different strain. (Not H1N1) on several thousand people.
For celvapan H1N1, post-licencing, Baxter conducted randomized trials in 400 healthy adults, aged 18 and over and in 400 children and adolescents. Baxter said that once countries initiated vaccination programmes using celvapan, they would initiate a large-scale observational study of 9,000 people in different age groups.
So, instead of testing for safety and efficacy before the vaccine was distributed and administered, Baxter will carry out the most important phase of testing after countries have initiated vaccination programmes.
The guinea pigs for this vaccine will not be the usual volunteers who sign up for testing before use on the public. The guinea pigs will be those people queuing up to receive this vaccine, assuming that if the government has given its approval, it must be safe. And remember, because this is a vaccine introduced as a contingency in a pandemic situation, the vaccine manufacturers have immunity from liability.
Toronto Sun-Baxter product contained live bird flu virus
Baxter-celvapan patient information leaflet
Informed Choice-SV40 in polio vaccines
PubMed-contamination of Vero cells with SV40
Karl Loren-cell replication/division
Encyclopedia II-SV40 polio vaccine contamination
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Swine Flu: Looking More Closely At Pandemrix.- Squalene as an adjuvant
For me, not having a background in genetics or biochemistry, the patient information leaflets produced by the manufacturers are written in gobbledy-gook. All I see is lists of things I've either never heard of or have no idea of their function in the vaccine itself or in its production. But, thanks to the wonders of the internet, I can find out. I do wonder, though, if all recipients of the vaccines are given these information leaflets and at what point: some time before, a few days maybe, so that they can read at their leisure; while they are sitting in the queue for the needle; when they are rolling their sleeves back down? The timing would, of course, affect the opportunity to make an informed decision.
So, what's in the vaccines that are being rolled out in the UK? The vaccination programme began last week, with the vaccine being offered initially to those patients considered to be more vulnerable to complications from swine flu itself. The vaccine which will be available to most people is pandemrix from GlaxoSmithKline .
"At the front of the queue are those aged six months to 65 years who have underlying health problems such as asthma. Sky News 21/10/09
Pandemrix from GlaxoSmithKline:
Pandemrix consists of two containers:
Suspension: multidose vial containing the antigen,
Emulsion: multidose vial containing the adjuvant.
Prior to administration, the two components should be mixed.
Active substance:
Split influenza virus, inactivated, containing antigen* equivalent to:
A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)v-like strain (X-179A)
3.75 micrograms** per 0.5 ml dose
* propagated in eggs
** expressed in microgram haemagglutinin
This vaccine complies with the WHO recommendation and EU decision
for the pandemic.
• Adjuvant:
The vaccine contains an ‘adjuvant’ AS03 to stimulate a better response.
This adjuvant contains squalene (10.69 milligrams), DL-α-tocopherol
(11.86 milligrams) and polysorbate 80 (4.86 milligrams).
Other ingredients:
The other ingredients are: polysorbate 80, octoxynol 10,
thiomersal, sodium chloride, disodium hydrogen phosphate,
potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium chloride,
magnesium chloride, water for injections.
Take special care with Pandemrix:
• if you have had any allergic reaction other than a sudden lifethreatening
allergic reaction to any ingredient contained in the
vaccine, to thiomersal, to egg and chicken protein, ovalbumin,formaldehyde, gentamicin sulphate (antibiotic) or to sodium
deoxycholate. (see section 6. Further information).
I have highlighted formaldehyde as it is not listed under "Active substances," or, "Other ingredients." Under, Active substances, we have, "Split influenza virus, inactivated, containing antigen." Formaldehyde is the chemical used to split the virus and inactivate it. It is listed under the special care precautions because small traces may remain in the vaccine.
It is well known that formaldehyde is a toxin and much has been written about exposure to high levels of formaldehyde. I have found a great many blogs that insist on the dangers of formaldehyde in vaccines, but I have also found a great many scientific reports which state that the amount of formaldehyde remaining in vaccines is significantly less than in the air we breathe every day, mostly in vehicle exhaust. (Formaldehyde is an intermediate stage in the oxidation or combustion of methane.) However, it may be that formaldehyde entering the body via the abnormal route of injection into deep muscle produces an abnormal immune response.
Thiomersal, (known in the United Sates as thimerosal) under Other ingredients, contains mercury. Opinions differ on the safety of mercury in vaccines.
"Vaccines with mercury have been considered to contribute to autism, learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s Disease, and other neurological conditions, and an FDA review conducted in 1998 determined that, at the time, children who received the full complement of childhood vaccines were potentially exposed to levels of mercury that were sometimes 30 to 50 times the acceptable levels established by the EPA." (Read the full article here)
From the CDC (Centers For Disease Control And Prevention)
"Thimerosal is a mercury-containing preservative used in some vaccines and other products since the 1930s. There is no convincing scientific evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site. However, in July 1999, the Public Health Service agencies, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and vaccine manufacturers agreed that thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated in vaccines as a precautionary measure."
The adjuvant contains squalene, which is added to stimulate the immune system. When an antigen is introduced into the body via the abnormal route of injection into deep muscle, an abnormal immune response is produced. So, an adjuvant, like squalene is added to produce an intense immune response.
"What squalene does to rats." (Read the entire article here)
"Oil-based vaccination adjuvants like squalene have been proved to generate concentrated, unremitting immune responses over long periods of time.
A 2000 study published in the American Journal of Pathology demonstrated a single injection of the adjuvant squalene into rats triggered “chronic, immune-mediated joint-specific inflammation,” also known as rheumatoid arthritis."
"What squalene does to humans." ( - as above)
"Your immune system recognizes squalene as an oil molecule native to your body. It is found throughout your nervous system and brain. In fact, you can consume squalene in olive oil and not only will your immune system recognize it, you will also reap the benefits of its antioxidant properties."
"The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant."
"Your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system."
"Gulf War veterans with Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) received anthrax vaccines which contained squalene.......and has since been linked to the devastating autoimmune diseases suffered by countless Gulf War vets."
"Pandemrix has been authorised under “Exceptional Circumstances”.
In other words, it hasn't gone through the usual rigorous testing protocols.
"The European Medicines Agency (EMEA) will regularly review any new information on the medicine and this package leaflet will be updated as necessary."
We'll monitor it as we go along!
When making a decision about whether or not to receive the H1N1, swine flu vaccine, perhaps it should be borne in mind that the vaccine manufacturers have immunity from liability for adverse reactions. This is an extract from a response to a question, under the Freedom of Information Act to the Scottish Chief Medical Officer and Public Health Directorate.
"The UK Government, on behalf of the four administrations, signed advance
purchase agreements in June 2007 and accepted liability for the safety
of any vaccines that would be produced as a contingency. All
governments signing up to an advance purchase agreement were expected to
provide an indemnity for the vaccine and neither manufacturer would sign
the contracts without it. The Government's decision was based on the
best procurement and legal advice. Accepting liability in this way is
in line with Government accounting rules and was cleared by the Public
Accounts Committee at the time."
The A (H1N1) vaccines that will be used in Scotland and the UK will be
subject to the licensing and regulation requirements for any new
vaccines. We will only use influenza A (H1N1) vaccines if we have
confidence in their safety."
Syed Kerbalai
Read the entire correspondence here.
We should also bear in mind, that although the above correspondence tells us that the government is accepting liability, that liability is limited to cases where the vaccine is administered in the full knowledge that it may harm. When a vaccine is introduced as a contingency, it has not gone through the normal testing protocol. Therefore, any adverse reaction to something which has not been tested for cannot be a known factor and therefore there is no liability because no intention to harm can be proved.
The above information relating to the ingredients and production of pandemrix is taken from the 2 page patients information leaflet, produced by GlaxoSmithKline. This is the 38 page information leaflet produced by the European Medicines Agency. Note the many instances of, "No data are available," and that the information on testing actually relates mostly to previous vaccines and not to the present H1N1 pandemrix.
Whatever your views about vaccines in general, do you really want to take a vaccine that has not been rigorously tested, against an infection that is said to be on the way out, for which swab testing was suspended in the UK in August this year, because the number of people diagnosed with swine flu was decreasing? Consider the evidence and make an informed decision about this. I will not be accepting the vaccine, but if you do, make sure you know what you are getting. There will be no one to accept liability if your health suffers as a consequence.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Obama Declares Swine Flu A National Emergency
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama has declared 2009 H1N1 swine flu a national emergency, the White House said on Saturday. The declaration will make it easier for U.S. medical facilities to handle a surge in flu patients by allowing the waiver of some requirements of Medicare, Medicaid and other federal health insurance programs as needed, the White House said in a statement."
Yet, just a few days ago, (21/10/09) this is what was reported on CBS News:
"H1N1 Misdiagnoses Could Have Consequences."
On "Washington Unplugged" Wednesday, moderator Sharyl Attkisson spoke to Wall Street Journal reporter Alicia Mundy and Politico's Fred Barbash about a CBS News investigation finding that many people who were diagnosed “probable” or “presumed” to have 2009 H1N1 or "swine" flu actually did not have flu at all.
The three-month investigation found, based on state-by-state test results, that only a small fraction of cases that doctors flagged as most likely to be swine flu actually tested positive for swine flu at state labs. The vast majority of cases were negative. "
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Friday that H1N1 swine flu has become widespread in 46 of the 50 U.S. states, a level comparable to the peak of ordinary flu seasons but far earlier and with more waves of infection expected.
Obama signed the statement on Friday night."
The White House statement said the declaration was intended to prepare the country in case of "a rapid increase in illness that may overburden health care resources." It was similar to disaster declarations issued before hurricanes hit coastal areas."
"It's important to note that this is a proactive measure -- not a response to a new development," an administration official said."
"H1N1 is moving rapidly, as expected. By the time regions or healthcare systems recognize they are becoming overburdened, they need to implement disaster plans quickly," he said."
Disaster plans? What might that mean? Quarantined zones? FEMA camps being used? The last paragraph of the Reuters' article gives a clue.
"The new declaration clears the way for waivers of federal requirements that, for example, could prevent hospitals from establishing off-site, alternate care facilities that could help them deal with emergency department demands, the White House said."
Off-site alternative care facilities? Quarantined areas, I reckon. And it would not surprise me if those FEMA camps*, sitting there with no occupants, are suddenly brought into action. I think these emergency powers given to Federal health officials are going to have far-reaching consequences in the very near future.
William Lewis and Gary Franchi on Alex Jones talking about "Camp FEMA."
Deaths In Sweden Linked To Swine Flu Vaccine
Health investigators are under more pressure as two elderly women are reported to have died, days after receiving the swine flu vaccine. It brings the total number of deaths linked to the vaccine in Sweden to four.
The two latest deaths were reported to the Swedish Medical Products Agency (Läkemedelsverket) on Friday.
A 74-year-old woman from Solleftea in northern Sweden died four days after receiving the swine flu vaccine.
The woman, who suffered from heart and lung disease, was classified as a high-risk patient.
“Naturally a report will be undertaken,” said Dr. Markus Kallionen in a press statement released by Västernorrland County Council.
“We must take this case seriously and investigate what has happened.”
A further case of a 90-year-old woman who also died after receiving the vaccine has been reported by newspaper Expressen.
Läkemedelsverket are currently investigating circumstances surrounding the deaths of two high-risk patients, a 50-year-old man with a serious heart condition and woman with an acute muscle disease.
“It’s important to says that they had complicated illnesses,“ Gunilla Sjölin Forslund from Läkemedelsverket told news agency TT.
“We still do not know if the deaths are connected to the vaccine.”
It will be interesting to follow this report and to find out if a causal link is established with the vaccine. All four of those people died quite soon after receiving the vaccine. All four also had serious underlying medical conditions. So, coincidence may come into play here. However, if a link is established with the vaccine, it raises the question of why the swine flu vaccine is being given in the first instance to vulnerable people, those who have an existing health issue.
One thing is certain. The vaccine manufacturers can't have it both ways: they can't claim that vulnerable people should have this vaccine and then claim that perhaps the vaccine itself is OK but those people had serious underlying health conditions if the vaccine is shown to have played a part in their deaths.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Swine Flu Vaccination Starts in Britain

Sky News 21/10/09
"Doctors have started the task of vaccinating millions of vulnerable patients against swine flu.
From Monday, GPs will receive their initial deliveries, though it could take up to four weeks to distribute the 4.5m doses around the country.
More will follow as it is delivered by the manufacturers.
Nine million patients who are at risk of serious complications if they catch the virus will be given priority for the vaccine.
At the front of the queue are those aged six months to 65 years who have underlying health problems such as asthma."
Next will be pregnant women, those living with patients with weakened immune systems, and finally the over-65s with underlying health problems."
The swine flu vaccination being introduced in Britain is Pandemrix from GlaxoSmithKline. This is from the GSK information for patients leaflet:
Pandemrix is a "split virion, inactivated, adjuvanted," vaccine, which means that only structural proteins from the virus are present and it is not infectious. (Flumist from Immumed, contains a live attenuated virus, which carries the risk of reverting to live in transmission.)
Active substance:
Split influenza virus, inactivated, containing antigen* equivalent to:
A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)v-like strain (X-179A)
3.75 micrograms** per 0.5 ml dose
* propagated in eggs
** expressed in microgram haemagglutinin
This vaccine complies with the WHO recommendation and EU decision
for the pandemic.
• Adjuvant:
The vaccine contains an ‘adjuvant’ AS03 to stimulate a better response.
This adjuvant contains squalene (10.69 milligrams), DL-α-tocopherol
(11.86 milligrams) and polysorbate 80 (4.86 milligrams).
Other ingredients:
The other ingredients are: polysorbate 80, octoxynol 10,
thiomersal, sodium chloride, disodium hydrogen phosphate,
potassium dihydrogen phosphate, potassium chloride,
magnesium chloride, water for injections
You should not receive Pandemrix:
• if you have previously had a sudden life-threatening allergic reaction to
any ingredient of Pandemrix (these are listed at the end of the leaflet) or
to any of the substances that may be present in trace amounts as follows:
egg and chicken protein, ovalbumin, formaldehyde, gentamicin sulphate
(antibiotic) or sodium deoxycholate. Signs of an allergic reaction may
include itchy skin rash, shortness of breath and swelling of the face or
tongue. However, in a pandemic situation, it may be appropriate for
you to have the vaccine provided that appropriate medical treatment is
immediately available in case of an allergic reaction.
Side effects:
Very common (affects more than 1 user in 10)
• Headache
• Tiredness
• Pain, redness, swelling or a hard lump at the injection site
• Fever
• Aching muscles, joint pain
Common (affects 1 to 10 users in 100)
• Warmth, itching or bruising at the injection site
• Increased sweating, shivering, flu-like symptoms
• Swollen glands in the neck, armpit or groin
Uncommon (affects 1 to 10 users in 1,000)
• Tingling or numbness of the hands or feet
• Sleepiness
• Dizziness
• Diarrhoea, vomiting, stomach pain, feeling sick
• Itching, rash
• Generally feeling unwell
• Sleeplessness
Rare (affects 1 to 10 users in 10,000)
Allergic reactions leading to a dangerous decrease of blood pressure,
which, if untreated, may lead to shock. Doctors are aware of this
possibility and have emergency treatment available for use in such cases.
• Fits
• Severe stabbing or throbbing pain along one or more nerves
• Low blood platelet count which can result in bleeding or bruising
Very rare (affects less than 1 user in 10,000)
Vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels which can cause skin
rashes, joint pain and kidney problems)
• Neurological disorders such as encephalomyelitis (inflammation of the
central nervous system), neuritis (inflammation of nerves) and a type of
paralysis known a Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Squalene as an adjuvant.
According to Dr Russell Blaylock, a former neurosurgeon, squalene is added to boost the immune response to vaccines. The normal route by which an infectious agent enters the body is via the nose or the gut and this triggers a coordinated response from the immune system. When the infectious agent is injected into deep muscle, there is a need to include adjuvants to incite a response and this actually produces an abnormal response. Squalene is present in the body as a precursor to all the body's steroids. When injected into deep muscle, the immune system produces antibodies to squalene and attacks all the squalene in the body. 95% of vets returning from the Gulf, diagnosed with Gulf War Syndrome were reported to have tested positive for squalene antibodies.
Thiomersal as an adjuvant.
Thiomersal, or sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate, commonly known in the United States as thimerosal, is an organomercury compound (approx. 49% mercury by weight) used as an antiseptic and anti-fungal agent, used as a preservative in vaccines.
Thiomersal is very toxic by inhalation, ingestion, and in contact with skin. In the United States, countries in the European Union and a few other affluent countries, thiomersal is no longer used as a preservative in routine childhood vaccinations. In the U.S., the only exceptions among vaccines routinely recommended for children are some formulations of the inactivated influenza vaccine for children older than two years.
Finally, from the American Journal Of Pathology
"The Endogenous Adjuvant Squalene Can Induce A Chronic T-Cell-Mediated Arthritis In Rats."
"Squalene is a cholesterol precursor, which stimulates the immune system nonspecifically. We demonstrate that one intradermal injection of this adjuvant lipid can induce joint-specific inflammation in arthritis-prone DA rats."
Read the entire article on the above link.